My Misguided Travels

Friday, April 15, 2005

There's No Going Back

Today, I went to the doctor to get all the necessary vaccinations. I knew they would cost a couple hundred euros, but never expected them to cost €400. I had to get Hepatitis A and B, Tetanus, Rabies, Yellow Fever and Dyphteria. Its been a long time since I've got an injections, but unlike when I was younger, I didn't cry when I got jabbed in the ass!

Getting these injections kinda made me realise that I'm actually going travelling. I haven't booked any flights yet, although I have some held until Tuesday, so this was the first thing I've paid for relating to my travels.

The more I think about it, the more expensive it's getting. Before I even set foot in South America, is going to cost about €1,400 for flights, €400 for vaccinations, €150 for a new rucksack, €100 for a pair of trekking shoes. Not to mention all the other small things I need to get. Its at least €2,000 before I go anywhere.

But I think its totally worth it. When else am I going to get the chance to go travelling around for 2 months going from place to place at my leisure.

I decided to call my blog "My Misguided Travels" for no reason in particular. I have done some research, but I reckon I'm going to wing most of it when I get there. Depending on how I get on, the title may turn out to be very true. But hopefully, everything will work out fine and I wont get lost!
